“You have no idea of what you’re capable of.
If my sorry self can get sorted, you can too.”

If you met me now, you’d meet a confident woman who’s comfortable in her own skin. A woman who has a no-mess, can-do, isn’t life wonderful type aura around her.

Rewind 10 years and it’d be a totally different story. You’d see an outwardly glamorous, sexy, ballsy, confident woman. ALL on the outside. On the inside, crippling shyness, anxiety, bad relationships, ahem…unhealthy habits - the list went on and on.

My background is in sales. You name it, I could sell it. My early working career was selling building materials, oh the glamour! I started working from the young age of 16 in the North of England and boy did I work hard. The reason I worked so hard, was for fear of losing my job, nobody else was going to rescue me if I couldn’t pay my bills. This was always a worry for me, not quite realising my own worth and that nothing could be farther from the truth. I’d end up being the lead sales person, going on to run the factory too, then onto running the team by the time I left my role.

As the years went by and my “success” grew, people would think I had it all together, life was fast paced and everything appeared rosy. On the inside I was still the little girl, whose life felt uncertain, had a huge dose of not-good-enough, and was majorly on the (not-so)merry-go-round of toxic relationships, and the drama - oh the drama!

And then I’d had enough.

I got sick of all the bullshit. All of my bullshit.

I knew something had to change. And that something was me.

For someone who was always on the go, go, go, I realised I needed to do a complete 180, search inside of myself and outside of my comfort zone. It was time to get purposeful with my life.

I got therapy. I hired a coach. I quit the job I hated. I quit the toxic relationships. I quit the booze and the chemicals, I quit all of it and said yes to being ME. Over the next few years, I solidly built my life from the foundation up and have so vastly changed who I am from the inside, that it still shocks me to this day.

We’ve been told by society at large that certain things aren’t possible for us. Whether that’s been because of the people/society we’ve been around or more importantly what we’ve been telling ourselves.

There’s absolutely nothing special about me. And I’m here to tell you, that if I can do it, so can you. You just need to BELIEVE IT. Go through a little discomfort to change your life. Because honestly, nothing changes if nothing changes.

You’ve been trying to change things for so long on your own, or at least wanting to, without ever really doing anything that’s worked for you or not for long enough or in the right way for things to significantly improve, and I believe that’s why you’ve landed here today. You’ve landed here and are reading this right now because you’re ready… and I’m the one that’s going to help you. Let’s go get the life you crave!

The lies we are told and why we shouldn’t believe them.

✘ You can’t lost weight at 50, esp if you’re going through the menopause

✘ You’re going to start '‘going downhill’ in your late 40’s

✘ You’ve got more chance of getting struck by lightning than meeting a great guy after 40

✓ Lost over a stone at 51 to get into a size 8 D&G for an award ceremony

✓ Well.. I just ran a fell-marathon… mostly UPHILL!!!

✓ No singed eyebrows here, just one very hot man... oh, and we’ve just moved to a villa in the South of France

I think you know where I’m going with this!? Prove them wrong. Prove yourself wrong.

  Be brazen with your life.

You only have the one, so why not make it the most amazing one you can possibly have?


Before you go and hopefully book your call with me today to change your life too, I wanted to share this story with you, about how I can best describe how perseverance pays off and how I know I can help you too.


A few years ago, I’d only ever worked out in the gym, rush, rush, rush there and back, no conscious thinking about it, just getting it done. I kept missing my classes due to work, so I started doing the running app, Couch to 5K on the treadmill…

I HATED IT! It felt impossible. But I knew, a little discomfort early on, can bring great rewards - so I kept at it. Then I started running outside… And at some point I realised I LOVED IT. I took up fell running, I joined a club, I started running in races (and I’m no spring chicken here folks), I won a club series. Then, as you do, I entered a fell-marathon. 26 miles and 4000 ft of ascent over the most brutal terrain in the most brutal conditions. This isn’t a photo of me at the finish by the way. I came in like a pantomime horse… but I did it!


And then, I got injured… I’m a runner who can’t run

So I start to swim. I could just about manage 2 lengths of crawl without dying, but I felt like I wanted to. So I got lessons (I needed to at this point because for reasons that escape me I’d entered a triathlon. And nobody wants a drowning woman at their event). Then, I swam 4 lengths. I got private lessons. Then I could do 10 lengths, 1/2 a mile, 1 mile, 2 mile. This is how coaching works. You have to do the work but you are given the right tools to help you on your way.


“Rachel is so inspirational, and the results were evident immediately and we surpassed my expectations. We were able to make progress with things I have struggled with for years, and also tap into unchartered areas that I wasn’t aware existed and achieve the previously unachievable.”

- Kristian


What do we tell the naysayers who say we can’t do something?

But more importantly, what do we tell ourselves when we say we can’t do it?

You got it…

B U L L S H I T !!!